Company Basic Details

About Us

Spangle Marketing Limited (having CIN: L51311WB1984PLC050209) is exclusively Listed on Metropolitan Stock Exchange of India Limited and was originally incorporated in union Territory of Delhi on 7th July, 1984 as a Public Company Limited by Shares. Thereafter the Registered office of the Company was shifted to the state of West Bengal, by the Order if the Hon’ble Company Law Board, Northern Region Bench, New Delhi, vide order dated 05th November, 1990

The Company is engaged in the business of trading and dealing in shares, stock, securities, debentures, bonds etc and also carrying the business of financing of industrial, commercial and other enterprises by way of inter – corporate loans and advances and investment in shares and securities and Mutual Fund etc.

For convenient, advantageous and economical to manage the entire operations and for bet6ter administrative control and convenience M/s Nayan Leasing Ltd. and M/s Capital Ideas India Ltd. was amalgamated with the Company vide Order of Hon’ble High Court at Calcutta, dated 30th August, 2006.